The EA Campus Podcast

EP51: The Future of the EA Profession with Candice Burningham & Jodie Mears

The EA Campus Episode 51

In this episode of The EA Campus Podcast, we sit down with two incredible industry voices, Candice Burningham and Jodie Mears, for an insightful and lively discussion on the evolving role of Executive Assistants. 

We cover everything from key industry trends, AI and automation, and the future of job titles to some of the more controversial topics shaping the profession today.

  • Is the Executive Assistant role evolving or disappearing?
  • How do we ensure assistants are recognized, compensated, and empowered?
  • Is "Strategic Business Partner" a mindset shift or a new job title?
  • What does the future hold for EA career progression?

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 Listen to the full, unedited conversation inside The EA Campus Community!

Connect with Candice & Jodie

🔗 Candice Burningham

🔗 Jodie Mears

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The EA Campus