The EA Campus Podcast

EP 49: EA Salary Transparency

The EA Campus Episode 49

In this episode of The EA Campus Podcast, host Nicky Christmas dives into one of the most critical topics in the Executive Assistant profession—salary transparency. Assistants often struggle to access clear, unbiased salary data, but today’s guests have taken a groundbreaking step to change that.

Joining Nicky are Yvette Pearson, founder of Admin Wrap, and Alicia Fairclough, founder of EA How To. Together, they’ve created the EA Salary Survey, a report that brings real salary data to the table—without bias, without agenda, and purely for the benefit of the EA community.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The inspiration behind the EA Salary Survey and how it differs from traditional salary reports
  • Surprising findings—such as the unexpected correlation (or lack thereof) between education and salary
  • Regional differences across the UK, US, and Australia, including the highest-earning job titles
  • How salary transparency impacts career progression and job satisfaction
  • Why EAs should have open conversations about salary and how the survey can help

 Download the EA Salary Survey:

EA How To:

Admin Wrap:

The EA Campus:

The EA Campus